I woke up to a bouquet of pink carnations (my favorite!), a sweet card and this beautiful diamond necklace. The kite-shaped square matches the diamond on my wedding ring. I love it and will be wearing it often - it's so 'ME' :)
My husband had to go to school to work on his Master's final so I got to spend the day with my mama. I made us a picnic lunch of Dilled Gazpacho, Egg Salad on Croissants, Almond Tea and homemade toffee. Very girly. We ate at a local park and the weather couldn't have been more perfect. People were flying kites and enjoying the day. After lunch, we went for a walk on the path that runs along the river in the park. It's a pretty area with lots of trees and mini-waterfalls. Just a few months ago, the shores of this area were lined with homeless camps, hundreds of them. We had driven by a few times and it was quite a sight to see. It looked like small villages. The city has made camping there illegal now and it's completely cleaned up. The only remaining evidence we saw was a small fire pit. We wandered around for 2 hours and we only walked a small part of the trail. We'll definitely have to go back for more exploring.
The park has a huge circular fountain that pours a shower of water and also rotates 360*. It hasn't been turned on for the season yet, but it's still a neat sculpture to see.
Hope all my mommy friends had a great day with their family :)
What a wonderful first Mother's Day. The necklace is gorgeous and that fountain is huge!!!
I'm glad you had such a special Mother's Day. =)
Oh, what a beautiful necklace and a special day you had Jennifer! I'm so glad you enjoyed it!
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